Pebbles and Moonstones
The Merstone EYFS teams are committed to supporting the ECM principles using the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.The Themes and Commitments are mapped to the ECM principles, and refer to how we actually put these into practice, giving concrete examples.
At Merstone School, the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is delivered to all pupils aged between 2 and 5 years old, in the academic years of Reception and below. Foundation aged pupils at Merstone are taught within 2 or 3 different classes depending upon the cohort sizes in any given academic year and the learning needs of pupils. Usually this will consist of the Pebbles EYAU nursery class (including pre-nursery pupils from the age of 2 years old), either 1 or 2 Reception aged classes or within a Rubies department specific needs based class.
Inclusive Practice
Merstone EYFS classes are fully inclusive class settings. Total Communication systems are threaded throughout the curriculum including the use of sign, symbols, communication aids, objects and pictures to aid understanding. Staff have additional qualifications and knowledge in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Makaton.
We use a range of equipment to ensure our children access the curriculum as fully as possible such as specialised cutlery and beakers or simple grip scissors. We chose rain ponchos for wet weather outside play times as these would be easy for those with physical impairments to wear.
Staff are regularly trained in the administration of emergency medication and at least one member of each class team holds a paediatric First Aid qualification.
We ensure that personal information about the child is collected on the initial Home Visit (appendix 1) and this allows us to have a greater
Parents as Partners
In Merstone EYFS we value and respect the role of parents as partners. We offer an open door policy which allows parents to come see their children at anytime and discuss concerns with an available staff member. In both EYFS classes, parent activity sessions are held at least once a term, linked to a current theme of learning, where families are invited to come and participate in activities with their child. These are really valuable session for all involved, with families being able to experience the EYFS classroom and learning opportunities, whilst also providing an informal opportunity for discussion with staff (see Parent Participation folder for examples and evidence). In Pebbles family trips are offered once a term (often as a whole class group), where pupils and their families can visit new places with the additional support of nursery staff.
Merstone school offers parent workshops/ groups at different points throughout the term. These cover arrange of topics from sessions designed to help families manage direct payments, and local support groups. They also offer opportunities to learn Makaton signs, use the school computers to make symbols for use at home and have training from other specialists.